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Are you having trouble learning how to teach sit when it comes to a suddenly aggressive dog? A well behaved dog will not normally have trouble meeting people face to face satellitedirect. Does the dogs ears push forward his tail raise high over his back? Act out towards others? This is a common for a suddenly aggressive dog to do satellitedirect.

Your dogs behavior patterns should include tail wagging at body level, sniffing behind and the capability to meet other people and dogs face to face satellitedirect. You need to observe what your dog does before you can learn how to teach sit him satellitedirect. You may or may not be able to learn how to teach sit if your dog is an overly suddenly aggressive dog satellitedirect.

If he bits and lunges at you for just trying to teach him anything, then you may want to seek professional help satellitedirect. But if your suddenly aggressive dog only acts this way around strangers, then by learning how to teach sit, this may be the solution to your problem satellitedirect.

I can teach you a really easy method satellitedirect. The first thing you do is take one of his favorite treats or toys and hold it in plain sight, semi close to his nose satellitedirect. Take the treat and bring it over his head to his tail area, while you are saying the command satellitedirect. He should sit naturally for a second satellitedirect. You may have to push his butt down slightly satellitedirect. Once he sits, give him the treat or toy and tell him good job satellitedirect.

Only treat him for being calm, if he barks, tell him no satellitedirect. Make sure he realizes that a suddenly aggressive dog does not get a treat satellitedirect. You learn how to teach sit with repetition satellitedirect. You should learn how to teach sit in just 5 minutes a day satellitedirect. That should do the trick for your suddenly aggressive dog satellitedirect. I included a great link to a free dog training lesson at the bottom satellitedirect. It may help you more then I can satellitedirect.